Saturday, March 03, 2012

Weekend # 1

Two days ago, Saturday, I spent a majority of my day (8... hours) surrounded by stress and anxiety of band and orchestra teachers and students. Why? District Solo and Ensemble Contest of course! Despite how each audition is only about 6 minutes long, there are hundreds of students 7th-12th grade. I participated in an Orchestral ensemble consisting of 18 people. I know you are all eager to know what we played right? No?... I'm going to tell you anyways. We played Brandenburg number 3 and actually got a Superior ( I ). :D
The other 6 hours was spent monitoring one of the rooms. Kid after kid, score after score, and making sure the judge is happy at all times. May not seem like a hard job but it is.

Sundays aren't usually very interesting. Wake up... go to church... come home and eat lunch... then head out again to church for a religious education (R.E.) class... come home and eat dinner... homework... sleep. Yesterday however, one of the Deacons of my parish told us the history of the church. He explained how it got its name, about the architecture in the building, the garments that he and the priest wear and what it means, etc. The most interesting thing to me was the bell. Apparently there was a family whose son was dying so they asked Father Metter (1st Priest for this church) to bless him before he died. The family was very great-full that he could come. remember, they didn't have cars. just horses, trains, etc One day, some time after the death of the young man, a bell was delivered to the church by train. It had the name of the family and the boy engraved on the side and came with a note that said father should put the bell into the church's bell-tower and name the church St. Joseph. That bell is STILL in that tower and rings every day, and it has been about many many many years.

SIDE NOTE: If you aren't religious, or are of a different religion... just know that I will try to keep my 'church talk' to a minimum. :)

Today has been a stressful day like most Mondays. Finding out about quizzes or tests coming up, having a pile of homework, and I found out that I need glasses so yeah.

Happy Monday :)

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