Thursday, March 01, 2012

No Topic? Aww...


Today started out as an average day.
 6:00am -wake up
7:10am -leave the house for school
7:35am—4:05pm -school
4:30pm -arrive at home and check blogger... and THAT is when things were different. We have had a total of 57, I repeat 57, page views in about 2 days. 1 was even from Germany! how cool is that? :D I can not even begin to explain how that means to me. thank you so much! Never has this happened to me before and I can't wait for this project to bloom.


This is when i would start discussing the topic of the weekend but uh.... we didn't get any topics, so today's post won't be what I hoped but it is only the first week.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!
maybe next week will work out a bit better. :)

--Sora <3

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